Co-op in Kennington, Ashford, broken into in early hours

Co-op in Kennington, Ashford, broken into in early hours

News Hour


A crime-hit Co-op store was broken into in the early hours by a lone intruder.

The shop, in Faversham Road, Kennington, was targeted at about 3am.

The Co-op in Faversham Road, Kennington, was broken into in the early hours of this morning
The Co-op in Faversham Road, Kennington, was broken into in the early hours of this morning

Police say alcohol was stolen during the break-in, which forced the store to open later than usual this morning.

Officers are also investigating a report of tobacco being stolen from another premises on the other side of Ashford.

The incident in Singleton happened in the early hours of Sunday morning, between 4.30am and 5am.

In 2019, the Kennington Co-op was targeted by knife-wielding robbers – just weeks after thieves used explosives to blow up its cash machine.

Anyone with information regarding either burglary from over the weekend is urged to call police on 01843 222289, quoting 46/127910/22.
