Ferry giants want this major travel update for passengers from UK

Ferry giants want this major travel update for passengers from UK

News Hour


Irish Ferries and Stena Line have called for the reopening of the Common Travel Area (CTA) by the Irish Government at the earliest opportunity.

The two operators want clarity so they can begin preparations for the resumption of travel – as case numbers remain low in the UK and Ireland.

At the moment anyone arriving into Ireland from England, Scotland or Wales must show evidence of a negative Covid-19 PCR test conducted within 72 hours prior to departure.

They must also comply with mandatory quarantine requirements for two weeks or until they receive written confirmation of a negative or ‘not detected’ PCR test result taken no less than 5 days after their arrival in Ireland.

The UK government does not have similar testing or quarantine requirements in place for people travelling from anywhere on the island of Ireland to Britain.

Changing the rules would be a major economic boost to Welsh ports like Holyhead and Fishguard.

Paul Grant, Trade Director for the Irish Sea, at Stena Line said: “Covid-19 infections are now at low levels and vaccination levels are increasing significantly in both countries.

“In the UK for example 66% of adults have now received their first dose and almost 30% have had both, so there is now a real need to focus on solving some of the economic impacts of the pandemic, and an obvious starting point are the hard-hit tourist, hospitality and travel sectors.

“With the restoring of travel between the islands of Ireland and Britain, we can start to rebuild these sectors locally in advance of the full resumption of international travel, which may take more time to agree and deliver.”

Last week Tánaiste Leo Varadkar referred to the possibility of restoring the Common Travel Area between Ireland and Britain as an “initial first step” for the travel and tourism sectors.

Andrew Sheen, Managing Director for Irish Ferries said: “The ferry industry has played a key role in helping to keep vital food and medical supply lines open during the height of the pandemic.

“With the current UK infection rate of 48 cases(latest figures actually show 22) per 100,000 population comparable to the lowest in Europe, we need to acknowledge the shared land border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and eliminate the discrepancies and loopholes on travel restrictions on the island. Irish Ferries and Stena Line welcome the Tánaiste’s recent comments on the possibility of restoring the CTA in advance of the full resumption of international travel and would urge the Irish Government to prioritise its implementation.”

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