Who is the greatest Doctor Who of all time?

Who is the greatest Doctor Who of all time?

News Hour


New Doctor Who actor Ncuti Gatwa has been confirmed as the latest incarnation of the Time Lord to be given the key to the TARDIS.

The Sex Education star will join a growing list of actors who have taken fans through time and space in adventures that have thrilled generations of fans since 1963.

But who was your favourite actor to dematerialise? Will Liverpool’s own Tom Baker be crowned all time favourite or will David Tennant still win your heart with his geek chic looks?

The ECHO wants to know which actor you think leads the pack as the all time greatest Doctor Who to grace our TV screens.

Will it be cricketer Peter Davison or clowning characters like Patrick Troughton or Sylvester McCoy? Or perhaps you preferred the darker incarnations like William Hartnell, Colin Baker or Peter Capaldi?

Let us know in the survey below.
